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Attention Prospective Members of The Mystic Minstrels of the Silver Circle

Attention Prospective Members of The Mystic Minstrels of the Silver Circle : First, check out the information on the ABOUT MMSC page. Then, if you navigate to the Mystic Minstrels of the Silver Circle page, you will see the Ouroboros template and, as of now, one “sigil” of secret identification of a member (yours truly) in the central part of the circle. The cartouche contains the hieroglyphic alphabetic characters “DFK” ( the “C” in “Coffman” being the hard “K” sound—indeed, my German-Swill ancestors, up to three generations ago, spelled the name “Kauffman.”). The plan would be for each member to create a sigil or sign, a secret identifier of some sort to include in “The Circle.” Hieroglyphics, cuneiform, Enochian, Glagolitic, Hebrew etc. would be possible options—OR a sigil of one’s own device could be made.   As stated on the ABOUT page, the site would serve for a sharing of poetical ideas and discussion. Also, the members would form a sort of “mutual admir
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First Posting

I have moved the initial post to the page labeled ABOUT MMSC. The membership will be allowed to both post and comment/respond to postings by members. The group is closed to others and "outsiders" will not be able to read the postings or responses.
The Mystic Minstrels of the Silver Circle is a group of published poets in the Speculative realms and genres of the Weird, Horrific, Supernatural, Fantastic, and Science Fictional. Membership is by invitation only.  Members must be at least 50 years of age and have published no fewer than 10 individual poems in these genres or at least one collection of poems in any of these genres. The Members of the Mystic Minstrels of the Silver Circle also pledge to work to promote the poetic reputation and help to further the publication of works by fellow members of the Circle. Other suggestions and comments are most welcome. Even the name of the proposed "Circle" is a "working title," so feel free to chime in.